Conversion of Levulinic Acid over Ag Substituted LaCoO3 Perovskite
Seguel, J., E. Leal, X. Zarate, M. Saavedra-Torres, E. Schott, J.N. Díaz de León, et al.
Fuel, 301 (2021), 121071
Electro-Reduced Graphene Oxide Nanosheets Coupled with RuAu Bimetallic Nanoparticles for Efficient Hydrogen Evolution Electrocatalysis
Khalid, Mohd, Ximena Zarate, Mario Saavedra-Torres, Eduardo Schott, Ana Maria Borges Honorato, Mohammad Rafe Hatshan, et al.
Chemical Engineering Journal, 421 (2021)
The Role Played by Structural and Energy Parameters of β-Diketones Derivatives as Antenna Ligands in Eu(III) Complexes
Arrué, Lily, Julián Santoyo-Flores, Nancy Pizarro, Ximena Zarate, Dayan Páez-Hernández, and Eduardo Schott,
Chemical Physics Letters, 773 (2021)
Zn(II)-Tetracarboxy-Phthalocyanine-Sensitized TiO 2 Thin Films as Antimicrobial Agents under Visible Irradiation: A Combined DFT and Experimental Study
Vallejo, William, Karen Navarro, Carlos Díaz-Uribe, Eduardo Schott, Ximena Zarate, and Eduard Romero,
ACS Omega, 2021
Structure and Electronic Properties of Benzimidazole and Cycloheptaimidazole Gold N-Heterocyclic Carbenes
Zarate, Ximena, Lucian-Cristian Pop, Manuel Treto-Suárez, Jorge Tapia, and Eduardo Schott,
Polyhedron, 2021, 115259
Conversion of Succinic Acid over Ni and Co Catalysts
Rojas, Mabel, Ximena Zarate, Roberto I. Canales, Ana Belen Dongil, Cesar Pazo, Mario Saavedra-Torres, et al.
Catalysis Today, 367 (2021), 165–76
Insights into Hydrodeoxygenation of Furfural and Guaiacol Mixture: Experimental and Theoretical Studies
Schiesser, Emilio C., Elodie Blanco, Ana Belén Dongil, Ximena Zarate, Mario Saavedra-Torres, Eduardo Schott, et al.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 125.14 (2021), 7647–57
Novel Germanium-Based σ-π Conjugated Oligourethanes Containing Dibenzofuran Moieties in the Backbone: Thermal, Optical, Electronic Properties and Theoretical Simulations
Jessop, Ignacio A., Andrea Mariman, Patricio A. Sobarzo, René A. Hauyon, César Saldías, Eduardo Schott, et al.
European Polymer Journal, 148 (2021)
Fluorescence Turn-on and Turn-off Mechanisms of a Dual-Selective Chemosensor of Bi3+ and PH Changes: Insights from a Theoretical Perspective
Treto-Suárez, Manuel A., Yoan Hidalgo-Rosa, Eduardo Schott, Dayan Páez-Hernández, and Ximena Zarate,
Dyes and Pigments, 185 (2021)
The Adsorption of Furfural on SrTiO3 and SrCoxTi1-XO3 Perovskites: A DFT Study within the Molecular Cluster Approach
Toledo, Felipe, Ignacio Lizana, Antonio Buljan, Ximena Zarate, Gina Pecchi, and Eduardo J. Delgado,
Journal of Molecular Structure, 1226 (2021)
Modulation of CO2adsorption in Novel Pillar-Layered MOFs Based on Carboxylate-Pyrazole Flexible Linker
Lancheros, Andrés, Subhadip Goswami, Mohammad Rasel Mian, Xuan Zhang, Ximena Zarate, Eduardo Schott, et al.
Dalton Transactions, 50.8 (2021), 2880–90
Planar Tetracoordinate Fluorine Atoms
Castillo-Toraya, Gabriela, Mesías Orozco-Ic, Eugenia Dzib, Ximena Zarate, Filiberto Ortíz-Chi, Zhong-hua Cui, et al.
Chemical Science, 12.19 (2021), 6699–6704
Sensing Mechanism Elucidation of a Chemosensor Based on a Metal-Organic Framework Selective to Explosive Aromatic Compounds
Hidalgo-Rosa, Yoan, Manuel A. Treto-Suárez, Eduardo Schott, Ximena Zarate, and Dayán Páez-Hernández,
International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 120.23 (2020)
A Quantum Chemical Study of Small Molecules Used as Active Layer Component of Organic Solar Cells
Baykara, Haci, Peter Iza, Ximena P. Zarate, and Adriana A. Alvarado,
Momento, 61 (2020), 62–74
Effect of Triton X-100 Surfactant on the Interfacial Activity of Ionic Surfactants SDS, CTAB and SDBS at the Air/Water Interface: A Study Using Molecular Dynamic Simulations
Parra, José G., Peter Iza, Hector Dominguez, Eduardo Schott, and Ximena Zarate,
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 603 (2020)
Sensing Mechanism Elucidation of a Europium(III) Metal–Organic Framework Selective to Aniline: A Theoretical Insight by Means of Multiconfigurational Calculations.
Hidalgo-Rosa, Yoan, Manuel A. Treto-Suárez, Eduardo Schott, Ximena Zarate, and Dayán Páez-Hernández,
Journal of Computational Chemistry, 41.22 (2020), 1956–64
Design, Characterization and Quantum Chemical Computations of a Novel Series of Pyrazoles Derivatives with Potential Anti-Proinflammatory Response.
Burboa-Schettino, Pia, Carlos Bustos, Elies Molins, Xavier F. Figueroa, Jesus Llanquinao, Ximena Zarate, et al.
Arabian Journal of Chemistry, 13.8 (2020), 6412–24
Alkoxide Structure Effect on Size and Size Distribution of Ag, Au and Ag@Au Nanoparticles, Prepared via Alkoxide Mild Reduction in Water.
Ortiz, Pedro D., Judith Castillo-Rodriguez, Alicia M. Díaz-García, Rudy Martin-Trasanco, Ximena Zarate, Mónica Benito, et al.
Materials Science and Engineering B: Solid-State Materials for Advanced Technology, 258 (2020)
New Sensitive and Selective Chemical Sensors for Ni2+and Cu2+Ions: Insights into the Sensing Mechanism through DFT Methods.
Treto-Suárez, Manuel A., Jorge Tapia, Yoan Hidalgo-Rosa, Dayan Páez-Hernández, Elies Molins, Ximena Zarate, et al.
Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 124.32 (2020), 6493–6503
Furanyl Chalcone Derivatives as Efficient Singlet Oxygen Quenchers. An Experimental and DFT/MRCI Study.
Diaz-Uribe, Carlos, William Vallejo, Jiress Flórez, Jorge Trilleras, Margarita Gutierrez, Angela Rodriguez-Serrano, et al.
Tetrahedron, 76.24 (2020)
New Thiophene-Based Poly(Azomethine)s Bearing Tetraphenylsilane Moieties along Their Backbone. Optical, Electronic, Thermal Properties and Theoretical Calculations.
Sobarzo, Patricio A., Ignacio A. Jessop, Andrea P. Mariman, Alexis F. González, Cesar Saldías, Eduardo Schott, et al.
European Polymer Journal, 130 (2020)
TiO2 Thin Films Sensitization with Natural Dyes Extracted from Bactris Guineensis for Photocatalytic Applications: Experimental and DFT Study.
Diaz-Uribe, Carlos, William Vallejo, Eduardo Romero, M. Villareal, M. Padilla, N. Hazbun, et al.
Journal of Saudi Chemical Society, 24.5 (2020), 407–16
Radiative Decay Channel Assessment to Understand the Sensing Mechanism of a Fluorescent Turn-on Al3+ Chemosensor.
Treto-Suárez, Manuel A., Yoan Hidalgo-Rosa, Eduardo Schott, Ximena Zarate, and Dayan Páez-Hernández,
International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 120.3 (2020)
DFT/MRCI Assessment of the Excited-State Interplay in a Coumarin-Schiff Mg2+ Fluorescent Sensor.
Zarate, Ximena, Angela Rodriguez-Serrano, Eduardo Schott, and Jörg Tatchen,
Journal of Computational Chemistry, 41.2 (2020), 136–46
Highly Efficient Hydrogen Evolution Reaction, Plasmon-Enhanced by AuNP-l-TiO2NP Photocatalysts.
Castillo-Rodriguez, Judith, Pedro D. Ortiz, Mauricio Isaacs, Natalia P. Martinez, James N. OShea, Jack Hart, et al.
New Journal of Chemistry, 44.38 (2020), 16491–500
A New Approach to the Mechanism for the Acetalization of Benzaldehyde over MOF Catalysts.
Camu, Esteban, Cesar Pazo, Daniel Becerra, Yoan Hidalgo-Rosa, Dayan Paez-Hernandez, Ximena Zarate, et al.
New Journal of Chemistry, 44.35 (2020), 14865–71
Structural Effects of Alkali-Metals on the B12skeleton
Hernández-Juárez, Gerardo, Estefanía Ravell, Jessica Arcudia, Ximena Zarate, Zhong Hua Cui, Gabriel Merino, et al.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 22.30 (2020), 17344–50
Structure and Bonding of Molecular Stirrers with Formula B7M2−and B8M2(M = Zn, Cd, Hg).
Yu, Rui, Jorge Barroso, Meng Hui Wang, Wei Yan Liang, Chen Chen, Ximena Zarate, et al.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 22.21 (2020), 12312–20
Potential Use of an Anthocyanin-Rich Extract from Berries of Vaccinium Meridionale Swartz as Sensitizer for TiO2 Thin Films – An Experimental and Theoretical Study
Diaz-Uribe, C., W. Vallejo, G. Camargo, A. Muñoz-Acevedo, C. Quiñones, E. Schott, et al.
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 384 (2019)
Structural and Interfacial Properties of the CO2-in-Water Foams Prepared with Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate (SDS): A Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study.
Parra, José G., Héctor Domínguez, Yosslen Aray, Peter Iza, Ximena Zarate, and Eduardo Schott
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 578 (2019)
Quantum Chemical Elucidation of the Turn-on Luminescence Mechanism in Two New Schiff Bases as Selective Chemosensors of Zn2+: Synthesis, Theory and Bioimaging Applications
Berrones-Reyes, Jessica C., Blanca M. Muñoz-Flores, Arelly M. Cantón-Diáz, Manuel A. Treto-Suárez, Dayan Páez-Hernández, Eduardo Schott, et al.
RSC Advances, 9.53 (2019), 30778–89
Understanding the Selective-Sensing Mechanism of Al3+ Cation by a Chemical Sensor Based on Schiff Base: A Theoretical Approach.
Treto-Suárez, Manuel A., Yoan Hidalgo-Rosa, Eduardo Schott, Ximena Zarate, and Dayan Páez-Hernández,
Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 123.32 (2019), 6970–77
Behavior of the SDS/1-Butanol and SDS/2-Butanol Mixtures at the Water/n-Octane Interface through Molecular Dynamics Simulations.
Parra, José G., Yosslen R. Aray, Peter Iza, Ximena Zarate, and Eduardo Schott,
Chemical Physics, 523 (2019), 138–49
Synthesis and Characterization of 5,10,15,20-Tetrakis(4-Ethylphenyl)Porphyrin and (Zn2+, Mn2+, Sn2+, Ni2+, Al3+, V3+)-Derivatives: Photophysical and DFT Study.
Espitia-Almeida, Fabian, Carlos Díaz-Uribe, William Vallejo, Doris Gómez-Camargo, Arnold R. Romero-Bohorquez, Eduardo Schott, et al.
ChemistrySelect, 4.20 (2019), 6290–94
Novel Fluorescent Schiff Bases as Al3+ Sensors with High Selectivity and Sensitivity, and Their Bioimaging Applications.
Berrones-Reyes, Jessica, Blanca M. Muñoz-Flores, Alberto Gómez-Treviño, Manuel A. Treto-Suárez, Dayan Páez-Hernández, Eduardo Schott, et al.
Materials Chemistry and Physics, 233 (2019), 89–101
Understanding the Aromaticity of C6X6 (X = H, F, Cl, Br, I). Insights from Different Theoretical Criteria
Zarate, Ximena, Desmond MacLeod-Carey, Alvaro Muñoz-Castro, and Eduardo Schott
Chemical Physics Letters, 720 (2019), 52–57
Singlet oxygen photogeneration by ethanolic extract of Syzygium cumini fruits: Theoretical elucidation through excited states computations
C Díaz-Uribe, A Rodriguez-Serrano, M López, E Schott, A Muñoz, X Zarate.
Chemical Physics Letters 715, 51-55
Novel and Convenient Synthesis of 2, 7-Dialkyl-1, 8-dihydro-as-indacenes.
R Faúndez, F Castillo, M Preite, E Schott, X Zarate, JM Manriquez, E Molins, C Morales-Verdejo, I Chávez
Synthesis, 51(02): 441-449
Bipodal dyes with bichromic triphenylamine architectures for use in dye-sensitized solar cell applications
O Abdi, B Fischer, T Al-Faouri, F Buguis, H Devgan, E Schott, X Zarate, B Koivisto.
RSC Advances, 8, 42424-42428
Synthesis of Au Nanoparticles Assisted by Linker-Modified TiO2 Nanoparticles.
PD Ortiz, J Castillo-Rodriguez, X Zarate, R Martin-Trasanco, M Benito, I Mata, E Molins, E Schott.
Langmuir 34 (32), 9402-9409
Tuning the molecular/electronic structure of new substituted pyrazoles: Synthesis, biological trials, theoretical approaches and Hammett correlations
C Bustos, L Alvarez-Thon, E Molins, I Moreno-Villoslada, G Vallejos-Contreras, C Sánchez, X Zarate, D Mac-Leod Carey, E Schott.
Journal of Molecular Structure
Photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue by the Anderson-type polyoxomolybdates/TiO2 thin films
CE Diaz-Uribe, A Rodríguez, D Utria, W Vallejo, E Puello, X Zarate, E Schott.
Polyhedron 149, 163-170
Exploring the relevance of thiophene rings as bridge unit in acceptor‐bridge‐donor dyes on self‐aggregation and performance in DSSCs
X Zarate, M Saavedra‐Torres, A Rodriguez‐Serrano, T Gomez, E Schott.
Journal of computational chemistry 39 (11), 685-698
Energy conversion process of substituted phthalocyanines with potential application to DSSC: a theoretical study
C Linares-Flores, E Schott, F Claveria-Cadiz, X Zarate
Theoretical Chemistry Accounts 137 (4), 52
Boron Nanowheels with Axles Containing Noble Gas Atoms: Viable Noble Gas Bound M©B10− Clusters (M=Nb, Ta)
S Pan, S Kar, R Saha, E Osorio, X Zarate, L Zhao, G Merino, PK Chattaraj.
Chemistry–A European Journal 24 (14), 3590-3598
Improvement of the photocatalytic activity of TiO2 using Colombian Caribbean species (Syzygium cumini) as natural sensitizers: Experimental and theoretical studies.
C Díaz-Uribe, W Vallejo, K Campos, W Solano, J Andrade, A Muñoz-Acevedo, E Schott, X Zarate.
Dyes and Pigments 150, 370-376
Stable NCNgNSi (Ng= Kr, Xe, Rn) Compounds with Covalently Bound C‐Ng‐N Unit: Possible Isomerization of NCNSi through the Release of the Noble Gas Atom
S Pan, G Jana, E Ravell, X Zarate, E Osorio, G Merino, PK Chattaraj.
Chemistry–A European Journal 24 (12), 2879-2887
Comparative study of the anchorage and the catalytic properties of nanoporous TiO2 films modified with ruthenium (II) and rhenium (I) carbonyl complexes
DP Oyarzún, S Chardon-Noblat, OEL Pérez, ML Teijelo, C Zúñiga, X Zarate, E Schott, Alexander Carreño, Ramiro Arratia-Perez.
Chemical Physics Letters 694, 40-47
Photophysical behaviour of BODIPY-phenylacetylene macrocyclic dyads for light-harvesting applications
M Yousaf, X Zarate, E Schott, AJ Lough, BD Koivisto.
RSC Advances 8 (50), 28533-28537
Noble gas encapsulated B 40 cage
S Pan, M Ghara, S Kar, X Zarate, G Merino, PK Chattaraj.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 20 (3), 1953-1963
Revisiting the racemization mechanism of helicenes
J Barroso, JL Cabellos, S Pan, F Murillo, X Zarate, MA Fernandez-Herrera, G Merino.
Chemical Communications 54 (2), 188-191
Synthesis, characterization, spectroscopic properties and DFT study of a new pyridazinone family
L Arrue, M Rey, C Rubilar-Hernandez, S Correa, E Molins, L Norambuena, X Zarate, E Schott.
Journal of Molecular Structure 1148, 162-169
Three-component one-pot synthesis of novel pyrido[2,3-d]pyrimidine indole substituted derivatives and DFT analysis
J Rangel, C Díaz-Uribe, A Rodriguez-Serrano, X Zarate, Y Serge, W Vallejo, M Nogueras, J Trilleras, J Quiroga, J Tatchen, J Cobo.
Journal of Molecular Structure 1137, 431-439
Electrochemical and theoretical characterization of the electro-oxidation of dimethoxycurcumin
L Arrue, T Barra, MB Camarada, X Zarate, E Schott.
Chemical Physics Letters 677, 35-40
DFT studies on coordination models for adsorption essays of Cu (II) and Ni (II) solutions in modified silica gel with iminodiacetic groups
A Carreño, E Schott, X Zarate, JM Manriquez, JC Vega, M Mardones, AH Cowley, I Chavez, JP Hinestroza, R Arratia-Perez.
Chemical Papers 71 (6), 1019-1030
Simulation of natural dyes adsorbed on TiO2 for photovoltaic applications
T Gomez, F Jaramillo, E Schott, R Arratia-Pérez, X Zarate.
Solar Energy 142, 215-223
Influence of axle length on the rate and mechanism of shuttling in rigid H-shaped [2] rotaxanes
G Gholami, K Zhu, G Baggi, E Schott, X Zarate, SJ Loeb.
Chemical science 8 (11), 7718-7723
Study of the Molecular Properties of Mono-and Binuclear Metal s-Indacenyl Complexes with Ir, Rh, and Re: A Theoretical Approach
X Zarate, E Schott, E Bunel, JM Manríquez, I Chávez.
Journal of Chemistry 2017
Theoretical study of aromatic-antiaromatic pairs as material in organic solar cells of double light harvesting.
I Martinez, E Schott, I Chávez, JM Manríquez, X Zarate.
Chemical Physics Letters 659 (2016) 31–35
Interaction of chalcones with CT-DNA by spectrophotometric analysis and theoretical simulations.
X Zarate, E Schott, CA. Escobar , R Lopez-Castro, C Echeverria, L Alvarado-Sotoa, R Ramirez-Tagle.
Quimica Nova 39 (8), 914-918
X Zarate, S Schott-Verdugo, AS Rodriguez-Serrano, E Schott.
J. Phys. Chem. A,120 (9), pp 1613–1624
A silver coordination cage assembled from [Ag 2 (bis (isoxazolyl)) 3]: DFT approach to the binding forces within the host–guest interactions
R Guajardo-Maturana, X Zarate, F Claveria-Cadiz, E Schott.
RSC Advances 6 (105), 103346-103356
Effects of the Acceptor Unit in Dyes with Acceptor-Bridge-Donor Architecture in the Electron Photo-Injection Mechanism and Aggregation in DSSCs.
X Zarate, F Claveria-Cadiz, D Arias-Olivares, A Rodriguez-Serrano, N Inostroza, E Schott.
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 18 (35), 24239-24251
A family of substituted hydrazonoisoxazolones with potential biological properties.
C Bustos, E Molins, JG Cárcamo, MN Aguilar, C Sánchez, I Moreno-Villoslada, H Nishide, X Zarate, E Schott.
New J. Chem., 40, 2156-2167
I Martinez, X Zarate, E Schott, C Morales-Verdejo, F Castillo, JM Manríquez, I Chávez.
Chemical Physics Letters 636, 31-34
Imaging the Ultrafast Photoelectron Transfer Process in Alizarin-TiO2
T Gomez, G Hermann, X Zarate, JF Pérez-Torres, JC Tremblay.
Molecules 20 (8), 13830-13853
Substituted phenylhydrazono derivatives of curcumin as new ligands, a theoretical study
L Arrue, X Zarate, S Schott-Verdugo, E Schott.
Chemical Physics Letters 623, 42-45
CE Diaz-Uribe, W Vallejo, W Castellar, J Trilleras, S Ortiz, A Rodriguez-Serrano, X Zarate, J Quiroga.
RSC Advances 5 (88), 71565-71572
A Carreño, M Gacitua, E Schott, X Zarate, JM Manriquez, M Preite, S Ladeira, A Castel, N Pizarro, A Vega, I Chavez, R Arratia-Perez.
New Journal of Chemistry 39 (7), 5725-5734
CA Morales-Verdejo, X Zarate, E Schott, S Correa, I Martinez-Díaz.
RSC Advances 5 (32), 25594-25602
New 3, 4, 5-trisubstituted isoxazole derivatives with potential biological properties
C Bustos, E Molins, JG Cárcamo, MN Aguilar, C Sánchez, I Moreno-Villoslada, H Nishide, A Mesías-Salazar, X Zarate, E Schott.
New Journal of Chemistry 39 (6), 4295-4307
CO Sánchez, P Sobarzo, E Schott, X Zarate, C Bustos.
Iranian Polymer Journal 24 (11), 911-918
CO Sánchez, E Schott, X Zárate, D MacLeod-Carey, P Sobarzo, N Gatica.
Polymer Bulletin 72 (4), 897-913
Synthesis, characterization and DFT study of a new family of pyrazole derivatives
R Faundez-Gutierrez, D Macleod-Carey, X Zarate, C Bustos, E Molins, E Schott.
Polyhedron 81, 414-420
C Morales-Verdejo, E Schott, X Zarate, JM Manriquez.
Canadian Journal of Chemistry 92 (7), 677-683
Intramolecular and lateral intermolecular hole transfer at the sensitized TiO2 interface
K Hu, KCD Robson, EE Beauvilliers, E Schott, X Zarate, R Arratia-Perez, CP Berlinguette, GJ Meyer.
Journal of the American Chemical Society 136 (3), 1034-1046
A Carreño, A Vega, X Zarate, E Schott, M Gacitúa, N Valenzuela, M Preite, JM Manríquez, I Chávez.
Química Nova 37 (4), 584-588
X Zarate, E Schott.
RSC Advances 4 (30), 15642-15649
T Gomez, X Zarate, E Schott, R Arratia-Perez.
RSC Advances 4 (19), 9639-9646
E Schott, X Zarate, L Alvarado-Soto, R Ramirez-Tagle.
Polyhedron 65, 98-101
X Zarate, E Schott, L Alvarado‐Soto, TC Sutherland.
International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 113 (20), 2287-2294
E Schott, X Zarate, D MacLeod-Carey, R Arratia-Perez, C Bustos.
Polyhedron 61, 27-32
E Schott, X Zarate, R Arratia-Perez.
Dyes and Pigments 97 (3), 455-461
X Zarate, E Schott, L Alvarado-Soto, R Ramirez-Tagle.
Chemical Physics Letters 567, 39-42
X Zarate, E Schott, R Arratia-Pérez.
Polyhedron 50 (1), 131-138
X Zarate, E Schott, T Gomez, R Arratia-Pérez.
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 117 (2), 430-438
The aromaticity of the [Re 3 (μ-X) 3 X 9] 3− clusters, X= Cl, Br, I
L Alvarado-Soto, E Schott, X Zarate, R Arratia-Pérez, R Ramirez-Tagle.
Chemical Physics Letters 545, 50-53
MB Oviedo, X Zarate, CFA Negre, E Schott, R Arratia-Pérez, CG Sánchez.
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 3 (18), 2548-2555
E Schott, X Zarate, R Arratia-Perez.
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 116 (27), 7436-7442
Photophysical properties of [Cu (binap) 2]+ and [Pd (binap) 2] complexes: A theoretical study
X Zarate, E Schott, R Ramirez-Tagle, D MacLeod-Carey, R Arratia-Pérez.
Polyhedron 37 (1), 54-59
E Schott, X Zarate, R Arratia-Pérez.
Polyhedron 36 (1), 127-132
X Zarate, E Schott, R Arratia‐Pérez.
International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 111 (15), 4186-4196
E Schott, X Zárate, R Arratia-Pérez.
Polyhedron 30 (5), 846-850
A Carreño, E Schott, X Zarate, R Arratia-Perez, JC Vega de K. M Mardones, JM Manríquez, I Chávez.
Journal of the Chilean Chemical Society, 56, 2011, 692-696
X Zárate, E Schott, DML Carey, C Bustos, R Arratia-Pérez.
Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM 957 (1), 126-132
Hydrogen bonds C–H⋯ O in superoxide anion radical–1, 4-Pentadiene complexes
X Zárate, MC Daza, JL Villaveces.
Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM 893 (1), 77-83